Tips for how to reduce labor pain


It's normal to experience labour pain during pregnancy. So if you're worried about it and want to know how to manage it, don't worry.  We'll discuss some of the best tips & techniques that will help you know how to reduce labour pain fast.

Techniques for how to reduce labour pain

There are many methods for how to reduce labour pain, let’s cover them one by one

reduce labour pain

1. Nitrous Oxide Gas
The process involves drawing nitrous oxide gas to the defective part using a mask or mouthpiece. Since the gas takes 20 to 30 seconds to show its full effect. It would be beneficial if you took a deep, calm breath before each contraction. It's completely safe since neither you nor your child's body will retain any memories of the past. Meanwhile, the gas can cause you to fainting, exhaust, or uncomfortable; not all mothers will find this kind of pain management to be particularly effective

2. Epidural Analgesia
In this method, the needle is placed into the ABC at roughly waist level. Then the anesthesiologist will replace the thin plastic tube by passing it through it to reach the epidural area. To relieve pain, local anesthetic is injected after the needle is taken out and the tube is inserted. Usually, it takes ten minutes to start working, and the medication takes an extra 10-15 minutes. Each dose will last for around two hours, after which another injection into the plastic tube will be required. Sometimes the local anesthetics are infused slowly and continuously.

Epidural analgesia can consistently keep you awake throughout delivery while also relieving pain. The local anesthetics usually cause numbness in your legs, but they also don't really affect the baby much. You will be able to push during the second stage of labour by using your obstetrician. If a delivery is necessary or an emergency cesarean section is necessary, tube also permits the administration of surgical anesthetic. Epidural analgesia is helpful during lengthy and difficult labors. And it can also be used to treat pain after the surgery.

3. Breathing and Inhaling
It usually relates to the relaxation and breathing exercises. When you begin experiencing labor pain symptoms, breathing out and paying attention to your breathing rate will help you relax. You can also get a little massage from a therapist. This should be sufficient during the early stages of labor. But when the contractions get really bad, many moms start looking for additional ways to relieve their pain.

4. Injecting medicines
Labor discomfort can be reduced by injecting painkillers like pethidine into the muscles. Though each person's response to these injections will vary. Their major effect is to cause nausea or drowsiness, which makes it harder for the mother to push. Additionally, these medications cause fatigue and suppress the baby's respiration after delivery by crossing the placenta. If that occurs, an antidote to counteract these negative effects will be given to the baby.

5. Combined Spinal Epidural Analgesia

The process of combining spinal epidural analog will be similar to that of epidural analgesia. Your anesthesiologist will implant a second, finer needle, the first needle to puncture the dura for the purpose of injecting the tiny amount of anesthetics after inserting the first one into the back and before placing the plastic tube. The plastic tube will then be inserted into epidural space in manner previously mentioned, and the needle will be removed. Combined spinal epidural analgesia has many advantages to it. One of which is that it’s very effective and efficient way to reduce pain while preserving your range of motion. 


We have now discussed all of the details and a quick ways for how to reduce labor pain. You can read and follow these strategy to prevent labor pain during childbirth if you are concerned about it. CLICK HERE


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