All Pregnancy symptoms week by week


 A variety of symptoms will appear during the 40 weeks of pregnancy. This post will go over pregnancy symptoms week by week and help pregnant women know these symptoms better.

pregnancy symptoms week by week

Knowing pregnancy symptoms week by week

1 week – 4 weeks

Many women don't realize they are pregnant in the early stages of the pregnancy. The time of conception is around the end of the second week. And in fourth week, fertilized egg sets up in the uterus.

5 week – 8th week

Missed Period: One of the earliest indications of pregnancy is missing a menstrual cycle.

Morning Sickness: Morning sickness is a condition characterized by nausea and vomiting, usually beginning around the sixth week.

Fatigue: High progesterone levels may be the source of feelings of weariness and fatigue.

9 week – 12th week

Increased Urination: The bladder becomes restricted as the uterus expands, leading to more frequent trips to the bathroom.

Food Dislikes and cravings: Your taste preferences and desires may change throughout this time.

Mood Swings: Changes in hormones can cause emotional and mood swings.

13 week – 16th week

Glowing Skin: Known as the "pregnancy glow," it is because of increased blood flow to the skin.

Visible Bump: The baby bump gets more noticeable as the uterus expands.

Enhanced Energy: Many women report feeling more energized during this trimester.

17 week – 20th week

Quickening: Also known as the baby's first movements, this occurs for some women around 18th or 20th week of pregnancy.

Backache: The growing uterus and changing posture can also result in back pain.

Breathlessness: The diaphragm may get compressed, causing breathlessness.

21 week – 24th week

Braxton Hicks Contractions: often known as practice contractions, are possible during these weeks.

Swelling: Some women may experience mild swelling in their ankles and feet.

Improved Appetite: As a baby develops, their dietary requirements also rise, leading to a rise in hunger.

25 week – 28th week

Pelvic Pain: Pressure on the pelvic bones and joints may cause pain.

Sleep disturbances: Choosing a comfortable sleeping posture might be challenging.

Stretch Marks: They are because of skin stretching.

29 week – 32nd week

Urine: It occurs more frequently when the pressure on the bladder rises.

Swollen Ankles and Feet: Lower limb swelling may be brought on by increased fluid retention.

Breathlessness: A baby's lungs have less space to expand as it gets larger, which causes breathing issues.

33 week – 36th week

Contractions with Braxton Hicks Get Severe: Practice using contractions to make them more noticeable and common.

Fatigue: Gaining weight might worsen your tiredness.

Vaginal Discharge: It usually increases as the body prepares for delivery.

37 week – 40th week

Mucus Plug Discharge: When the mucus plug disappears, labor has officially begun.

Extra Back Pain: The lower back experiences more pressure as the baby descends.


Despite the fact that this guide provides a general overview of pregnancy symptoms week by week. In case of any doubts or unexpected symptoms, it is necessary to consult healthcare practitioner for guidance and qualified advice.


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